Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair!
-Khalil Gibran
Can you feel it? The tremendous upward moving energy of spring is upon us and the world is waking up after a long, cold hibernation. You might notice elements in your own life beginning to sprout or feel as if it is time to go out and play!
Spring is an incredibly powerful time of year, considered to be a Yang season (masculine, active, upward rising, bright and hot) in Traditional Chinese Medicine. When all of life within us and around us is bursting with growth and movement, it can be hard to stay grounded. For this reason, spring can trigger anxiety, accidents and excessive busyness so it is important to stay balanced now with practices that cultivate our Yin (feminine, passive, downward moving, dark and cool) nature and help us stay focused and grounded. For example, Yin yoga, meditation and sitting for a silent tea session.
The element of spring is air and is associated with the head. You might find your mind is inspired, active and clear but if you feel that you are too much in your head now, ie thinking looping, unproductive thoughts, ground into your body through any kind of physical movement, savory, cooked foods, sleep and long exhale breathing (for example 4 count inhale: 8 count exhale).
These five spring rituals will help you ease out of hibernation gracefully- with your roots firmly planted as you spread your wings and enjoy the playful energy of spring!
1. Eat Wild
Each meal is an opportunity to commune with Nature through her offering of edible earth energy! In this season, find or forage wild greens (chickweed, nettles, sorrel, dandelion greens and miner’s lettuce), fresh roots and shoots (burdock, spring onions, carrots and asparagus), wild strawberries and local, organic, free range eggs. This food is the best kind of medicine!

2. Earthing and Forest Bathing
Vast and astounding health benefits are attributed to both of these practices and numerous books have been written on each of them. Essentially, these practices involve kicking off your shoes, placing your naked feet on a quiet corner of the earth and silently coming into presence and awareness. Similar to the art of Carl Jung’s most revered practice, spending quiet time doing nothing in nature, this is how you invite magic and wonder back into your life!
3. Nature Meditation
Often when I go for a hike, I wander off the trail and find a nice leafy spot to sit for a meditation. These are always the most profound meditations and the most enjoyable. Time fades away and I feel at one with it all. Perhaps being immersed in Nature allows her wisdom to seep in more easily. Whether you have ventured out to an empty beach, the mountains, the edge of a lake or your backyard, find a quiet spot and drop in!
4.. Seed Planting
Hold wildflower or other seeds in your hands. Close your eyes and infuse them with intentions or blessings. As you plant them in the ground for spread them over the soil, imagine the blessings, wishes and prayers coming to be! As you watch them sprout and grow and when you return to water, weed and cultivate them, imagine your wishes growing to fruition!
5. Spring Cleaning
Longer days and more sunlight always trigger an impulse to clean house. In fact, house cleaning rituals are practiced across the world in the springtime. Set aside one weekend morning to clean your home. Make a box where anything that you have not used in the past year or that does not bring you feelings of peace and joy can be taken toGoodwill.
When you are finished, light a white sage smudge. Blow out the flame and walk a circle around your home as the smoke further cleans your space. Plant blessings and wishes into each corner of your home or say this Nature American sage smudging prayer aloud!
Native American Sage Smudging Prayer
May your feet be cleansed, that they might take you where you most need to be
May your heart be cleansed that you might hear its messages clearly
May you throat be cleansed that you might speak rightly when words are needed.
May your eyes be a cleansed that you might see the signs and wonders of the world. May this person and space be washed clean by the smoke of these fragrant plants.
And may that same smoke carry our prayers, spiraling, to the heavens.